Beyond the Jaffa Orange: About Citrus Fruit and Locality

Since the establishment of the State of Israel, Citrus fruits have become a symbol of localness, although their origin is generally in Southeast Asia. So what actually makes a fruit local? How do we make a grapefruit less bitter or create a seedless mandarin – and why? During a lecture held as part of “Asif Day – Localness” at Asif’s experimental kitchen accompanied by the tasting of citrus fruits that have not yet been marketed, we received answers from the Volcani Center’s fruit researchers to all these questions and more.

Asif Day — Shared Location

The afternoon session at “Asif Day – Locality” looked into representations of the local food culture in the media. The first panel focused on the food documentary genre in Israel, and in the second part of the session we discussed the ways in which the local food culture is presented on Tiktok and other social media networks with a short attention span.

Yom Asif – Local Food in Crisis

Local Food in Crisis was a series of panels and lectures during Yom Asif, in which we explored what “local” means in time of crisis and how it relates to identity politics. We also heard about the dark side of “new sustainability” and from leading food tech companies about whether it’s possible to create something that’s both local and industrial.

Bible to Table

During Yom Asif – Locality, biblical food researcher Dr. Tova Dickstein and food writer and cook Maya Darin led us on a fascinating culinary journey that began thousands of years ago.

Tasting the Olive Land: The Terroir of Olive Oil

In recent years we have learned to distinguish between olive varieties such as Souri, Barnea, or Koroneiki and Leccino – but did you know that just like wine, olives also taste of their ‘terroir’? Olive oil expert, Ehud Soriano, on the importance of geology and the influence of the Israeli terroir on the taste and quality of the most local oil in Israeli cuisine.