Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Illustrator: Nicholas Stavroulakis

Cookbook of the Jews of Greece

Nicholas Stavroulakis, the former director of the Jewish Museum of Greece, has worked to preserve recipes from what remains of Greece’s 2,000-year-old community after the Holocaust. Mixed in with the 287 recipes like peshe en saltsa, or fish in rhubarb sauce, are details about the rituals of the community and its history, and 80 drawings by Stavroulakis.

Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Illustrator: Nicholas Stavroulakis
Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Illustrator: Nicholas Stavroulakis

Book details

  • author
  • Nicholas Stavroulakis
  • publisher
  • Cadmus Press
  • Year published
  • 1986
  • Pages
  • 266
Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Cookbook of the Jews of Greece. Illustrator: Nicholas Stavroulakis
Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
The cover of Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Cookbook of the Jews of Greece
Illustrator: Nicholas Stavroulakis

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